Monday, January 25, 2010


Taking your daughter out of the tub and then letting her run naked around while you get her clothes out may and will often times mean - She will pee on the floor, then poop then scoop it up and bring it to you in her sweet little hand. But before she does that she will step on it and then track it through the house. Just a little something to remember. Oh, and she may not pick it all up so when you get her cleaned up and then go back to start cleaning the floor? Well, you just may step in it too.

Happy Monday.


Christi.Overman said...

Oh dear sweet Lord...I would have FLIPPED OUT!!!!!

Rebekah Hubley said...

Oh Shan.... I so feel you on this one... I have been there unfortunately so many times! Not in that specific circumstance, but the poop stories I could tell. I had to smile and someday so will you!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

sweeeeet! i wish i could have been a fly on the wall to see that whole scenario go down. oh wait - as a fly i probably wouldn't have been able to resist the urge to taking a landing on the mound of poop. well - anyway - what a great way to start the week! :-)

hope she didn't stash any of it in secret hiding places. joanne

Anonymous said...

This is awesome - can't stop laughing. Why are there no pictures posted with this post?

Miss you - let's get together again soon! Jodi

Anonymous said...

where are the pictures!!!!


Anonymous said...


man, I can't wait to have kids! hahahahahahaha

Deanna said...


Hang in there, momma!!! :)

Dina said...

Not gonna lie....I laughed hard while I read this. this is a story you will tell many people and laugh about! hahahahaha