11 Months old! I can hardly believe it! :)

at 11 months Gracie:
- waves bye bye, claps, and will give you five
- still does not sign anything-but we're working on it!
- LOVES doggies

- has started to notice others. She likes other kids, makes faces at people in stores and also is getting pretty attached to mom and dad
- realizes that others are noticing her! She now covers her face with her hands or hides her face in our shirts, or even just turns away shyly. :)

- is drinking big girl milk! We started on Friday and so far she likes it! She did really well with it two times today. My little baby is growing up! (sniff)
- does NOT like grass. I planted a little garden today and she sat on a blanket eating puffs. Shane sat near her and tried to get her to crawl to him but there was no way she was moving off of the blanket
- likes to play chase. Shane or I will hold her and the other will chase and she squeals and laughs. It's priceless.
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